Donate & support us

Mental Health Arts Space (MHAS) Berlin is a non-profit arts/project space run by, with, and for BIPoC folks as well as other migrant and marginalized groups. “It takes a village”, as they say, but it also takes funds to organize, curate and bring to fruition workshops, exhibitions and events that pay artists respectfully and transparently for their time and labor. In order to set an example for other institutions and organizations, Mental Health Arts Space (MHAS) Berlin advocates and pledges to remunerate BIPoC and queer artists, in particular Black women artists, fairly, and will never ask anyone to contribute to its space or program for free. Institutions that tokenize and instrumentalize or extract the knowledge, experience and ideas of BIPoC artists should be held accountable.
Please donate generously!
All donations go 100% toward the payment of artists and cultural workers who contribute their time, labor and expertise to MHAS. Thank you!
Mental Health Arts Space gUG
IBAN: DE26 2022 0800 0027 7256 00
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