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Thinking & Discussion Session: “On Vulnerability as Power”. Meditations on Ocean Vuong

Juni 3, 2023 @ 4:00 pm - 18:00 Uhr CEST

In this “Thinking & Discussion” session, we will watch a short video input of a featured critical thinker/writer/artist in conversation, and then read a passage or two from their work, and then open to floor to discussion.

The session will be facilitated by MHAS founder and artistic director, Kathy-Ann Tan.

The format of these sessions is deliberately open-ended, it’s an experiment in listening and speaking, feeling and amplifying, respect and empathy. Who better to kick the series off with, than the Vietnamese American poet, essayist and novelist and empath, Ocean Vuong (author of Night Sky with Exit Wounds (2016), On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous (2019) and Time is a Mother (2022))

The featured artist/critical thinker will NOT be present! We sure wish they were! Well, if you click on the “donate & support us” tab and make a generous donation, we might be able to afford to invite them some day! 😉

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ist eine gemeinnützige Organisation, die die psychische Gesundheit, das Wohlbefinden, die Erfahrungen, das Wissen, die Geschichten, die Erzählungen und die Archive Schwarzer Menschen, Indigener Menschen und People of Color sowie anderer marginalisierter Gruppen in den Mittelpunkt stellt.


Juni 3, 2023
4:00 pm - 6:00 pm CEST


Mental Health Arts Space (MHAS) Berlin is a non-profit arts/project space run by, with, and for BIPoC folks and marginalized groups. Every donation is most appreciated and helps us continue our work!   

Mental Health Arts Space gUG

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IBAN: DE83 1004 0000 0200 5627 00


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