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Group Exhibition: The Bluest Archive: Black Rememory and Resistance – Part of Project Space Festival (PSF) Berlin 2022
August 22, 2022 @ 12:00 pm - 20 Uhr CEST
This exhibition of mixed media works by African and African diasporic women artists – Anike Joyce Sadiq, Nontsikelelo Mutiti and Roseline Olang’ Odhiambo – revolves around the twin tropes of (re)memory and resistance. The title of the exhibition alludes to Toni Morrison’s novel The Bluest Eye, Alice Walker’s Her Blue Body Everything We Know: Earthling Poemsund den "Blue Book"-Bericht von 1918, der den deutschen Völkermord in Südwestafrika dokumentiert. genocide in South-west Africa.
By invoking the knowledge and lived experiences of Black women, the exhibition transforms the arts/ project space into a living archive for the duration of one day. As visitors enter and exit the space, they are invited to dwell in the sounds, stories, texts and visual interventions that collectively offer a counter-narrative to ongoing realities of colonial extraction and violence.
Unterstützt durch Mittel des Project Space Festival 2022
Teilnehmende Künstler:innen:
Anike Joyce Sadiq. Photo credit: Elwira Hiera
Nontsikelelo Mutiti. Photo credit: Jasper Kettner
Rosie Olang’ Odhiambo. Photo credit: Musila Munuve
Kuratiert von:
Kathy-Ann Tan