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Queens of the Knight – Chess Game Nights by Nomaduma Rosa Masilela

September 21, 2024 @ 4:00 pm - Oktober 19, 2024 @ 6:00 pm CEST

Queens of the Knight is a series of three chess game nights for BIPOC womxn and femmes, facilitated by Nomaduma Rosa Masilela.
Saturday, September 21, 2024, 4 to 6pm
Game night 1:
“The Queens Gambit”
Reflection on the Chess Queen / Matriarchal societies
Saturday October 19, 2024, 6 to 8pm
Game night 2:
“An Erotic Stalemate”
Misogyny in the art world, tactics to subvert
Date to be confirmed (in 2025):
Game night 3:
“The Turk”
Automation -/ Artificial intelligence and race
Queens of the Knight are chess game nights that focus on communion rather than mastery of the game. They are an opportunity to learn the elementals and strategies of chess, while focusing on the chess as asocial and discursive space of the ludic for BIPOC womxn and femmes..
How can we make a game that has, and continues to be, the privileged arena of white men, and use it as a springboard from which to imagine a new world, new possibilities of engagement for those who have historically been excluded from its history of mastery?
Come join for an informal game night, to play and learn (no previous experience necessary), to drink hibiscus honey tea, and to chat. Children are welcome! 🙂
Queens of the Knight was originally organized as an informal monthly chess game in Nomaduma’s home in Brooklyn, NYC, over the course of a few months in 2017 and 2018 – with primarily New York based women BIPOC artists in attendance. For MHAS, Nomaduma is offering a series of three regular game nights for BIPOC participants who self-identify as womxn and/or femme (children are welcome!). These specifications allow for the creation of a safe space within which a proposed series of short discussion topics/ performance lectures can occur.

Photo: Liz Johnson Artur

Nomaduma Rosa Masilela is an artist, writer, and curator. Her work and interests center around collective work and strategy, and the ambivalent natures of authenticity, history, and identity production (among other topics). She is based in Berlin.
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ist eine gemeinnützige Organisation, die die psychische Gesundheit, das Wohlbefinden, die Erfahrungen, das Wissen, die Geschichten, die Erzählungen und die Archive Schwarzer Menschen, Indigener Menschen und People of Color sowie anderer marginalisierter Gruppen in den Mittelpunkt stellt.


September 21, 2024 @ 4:00 pm CEST
Oktober 19, 2024 @ 6:00 pm CEST


Mental Health Arts Space (MHAS) Berlin is a non-profit arts/project space run by, with, and for BIPoC folks and marginalized groups. Every donation is most appreciated and helps us continue our work!   

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