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‘VATA’ the art of healing with inner crisis – Workshop with Ropate Rakūita Wailūtu Kama

September 14, 2024 @ 2:00 pm - - 16.00 Uhr CEST

Join us for a workshop with our Climate Action Artist Residency x MHAS Berlin Artist-in-Residence Ropate Rakūita Wailūtu Kama!
When: Saturday, 14 September, 2 to 4pm at MHAS
Working on a project on climate change? Or are you currently illustrating or writing a children’s book that decenters the white gaze and re-focuses on Black and Indigenous perspectives? Maybe you’ve been wanting to do so for awhile now? Then this workshop is for YOU! 🙂


Open to ALL, BIPOC to the front! 🙂 Please register using the link below. Places are limited and we expect that this workshop will be full! So please sign up early; first come, first served. The workshop is FREE!


Photo credit: Daniella Otte

Ropate Kama is an itaukei (indigenous Fijian) artist whose creative expression is based on his ongoing research into Itaukei cultural practices.
This workshop is part of his artist residency where he is currently working on a children’s coloring book to help articulate the generational trauma caused by mans impact on the planet.


“Like many Indigenous people we itaukei believe that Skylings, Earthlings and Oceanlings are all interconnected this is what we refer to as ‘VATA’.
VATA is how my ancestors define the harmony and rhythmic relationship between all species within Space (Va) & Time (Ta).”


This workshop looks to share space and time to connect, centring Indigenous worldviews and stories of how the world came to be and how we find meaning and our place in it. Ropate wlll share his work-in-progress and everyone is welcome to bring your own projects to connect, converse, share with kindness.


Ropate Kama:
Instagram: @ropate_kama
The Climate Action Artist Residencies are an artist residency program designed to convey globally intertwined vulnerability caused by climate change.
More information here! Climate Action Artist Residencies is a program organised by Cultural Vistas.

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ist eine gemeinnützige Organisation, die die psychische Gesundheit, das Wohlbefinden, die Erfahrungen, das Wissen, die Geschichten, die Erzählungen und die Archive Schwarzer Menschen, Indigener Menschen und People of Color sowie anderer marginalisierter Gruppen in den Mittelpunkt stellt.


September 14, 2024
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm CEST


Mental Health Arts Space (MHAS) Berlin is a non-profit arts/project space run by, with, and for BIPoC folks and marginalized groups. Every donation is most appreciated and helps us continue our work!   

Mental Health Arts Space gUG

Commerzbank Berlin
IBAN: DE83 1004 0000 0200 5627 00


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