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Film screening: The Watermelon Woman by Cheryl Dunye

Oktober 1, 2022 @ 8:00 pm - 22.00 Uhr CEST

The Watermelon Woman (1996) directed by Cheryl Dunye

In English, 85 mins


Rediscover The Watermelon Woman  in this restored 20th Anniversary Edition.

‘The Watermelon Woman’ was the name given to the mythical Fae Richards, a beautiful yet elusive black Actress from the 1930’s. In all her films, it was her only billing, why should that be? It is a mystery that perplexes Cheryl (Cheryl Dunye), a young black filmmaker. She sets out to solve the mystery by making a documentary about this forgotten star.

The Watermelon Woman garnered great critical and audience acclaim, and contains the most notorious lesbian sex scene of its time (which even saw the film being discussed in Congress). The film is a fiction, but Cheryl Dunye says, “Sometimes you have to create your own history.”




*Dieser Film wird im Rahmen einer kleinen Gruppenveranstaltung für nicht-kommerzielle und gemeinnützige Zwecke vorgeführt. Der Eintritt ist frei, die Teilnehmer*innenzahl ist auf 8 Personen begrenzt.*


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ist eine gemeinnützige Organisation, die die psychische Gesundheit, das Wohlbefinden, die Erfahrungen, das Wissen, die Geschichten, die Erzählungen und die Archive Schwarzer Menschen, Indigener Menschen und People of Color sowie anderer marginalisierter Gruppen in den Mittelpunkt stellt.


Oktober 1, 2022
8:00 pm - 10:00 pm CEST


Mental Health Arts Space (MHAS) Berlin is a non-profit arts/project space run by, with, and for BIPoC folks and marginalized groups. Every donation is most appreciated and helps us continue our work!   

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